Monday, January 30, 2012

The strangest thing? what do you get from this?

i just came out of wal-mart about to get into the car. as im unlocking the doors i noticed this woman walking towards my direction and she gave me this look as if she knew me or somebody that i knew. so as soon as i got into the car about to shut the door she asks me " Can i read your palm?" and i politely said no thank you. Now it was something about this woman that i have a feeling about. i just cant put my fingers on it. She walked around the whole parking lot, which is big, and she passed some ppl and didnt ask them anything. Most ppl who solicite usually go to everyone they see, but she didnt. Later on in the car my mom said to me that it was something about me that made her want to ask me that. I thought maybe she wanted some money or something. And i dont believe in letting ppl do palm readings or psychic readings at all. the lady had on some clothes, but she didnt look like a normal person. she didnt have any disabilities. she looked normal but didnt seem it. my mind wonders
The strangest thing? what do you get from this?

A psychic walked passed in south philly about 2 months ago and did the same thing, I am not too sure about this. I think they look at your eyes to see if they are compassionate or hard core. If you look hardcore they will pass you by.

Make sense??

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