Monday, January 30, 2012

23 weeks pregnant - This morning my hands started itching! They've been itching all day... What's up?

This morning in the shower my hands starting itching, mostly my palms.

What could be causing this? Is it just one of those normal crazy pregnancy things or is it cause for concern?

I have an appointment next week and I'll be sure to mention it just in case but I just wanted to get some opinions from you ladies.

I'm 23 weeks.

Thanks in advance!
23 weeks pregnant - This morning my hands started itching! They've been itching all day... What's up?
Dry skin can be a factor in itching during pregnancy; however, there are also other causes of itching that are due to conditions that some pregnant women get. Make sure that you tell your ob/gyn about the itching so that you can be evaluated if it's not simply just dry skin.

My niece, who just gave birth to her second child a few days ago, had a condition called cholestasis in pregnancy, which has to do with the liver not working properly and there is an overload of bile in the system. It's something that needs to be taken care of right away b/c it does have complications.

She was dx'd with it during her first pgcy at around 35 weeks, and they were discussing inducing her, but she ended up going on her own. This time around she began to itch sometime last week. There is a 60-70% chance of a woman coming down with this condition during subsequent pregnancies. Sure enough, this was the problem again, and my niece was induced on Monday at 38+wks. Both babies were fine, and my niece is fine so far, though the liver levels are elevated.

There is also a condition known as PUPPPS...

I wish you all the best. Please talk to your doctor about the itching.
Reply:Tell your doctor about this! There is a condition called cholestasis that is very serious but manageable. (I know because I have it now.) Itching on the palms and soles of your feet is a telltale sign. It is very rare, about 1 in 1000 pregnancies, but serious. I was diagnosed with cholestasis at 29 weeks. The prognosis is LOTS of testing. I go in twice a week for sonograms and get my blood tested every other week (every week if the results show rising levels of bile in my blood). And you will definitely get induced for labor around 37 weeks.
Reply:I think some itching can be normal. The blood flow increases to your skin, so it can have some weird side effects. However, my cousin had a problem where her liver was secreting bile to her skin and she itched CONSTANTLY through her third trimester. Just talk to your doctor to rule that out. It can result in some serious problems if it's untreated. Good luck!
Reply:I had the same problem when I was pregnant. Nothing to worry about it is very common. Just your hormones acting up again. But definitely mentioned it to your doctor. and if it gets too severe call your doctors office. Trust me they get calls and questions like this all the time.

There is some good info on this website about the strange things that happen while pregnant...BTW: I just asked a question about itching earlier today and found out maybe I have one of these conditions. good luck.
Reply:This has nothing to do with being pregnant. Your skin is probably dry, which explains the itching. I get eczema on my hands and when they get wet, they get super itchy.
Reply:Most likely its just hormones. My feet started itching a few weeks ago and i get itchy every now and then.
Reply:if you just got out the shower you probably just need lotion my hands are like that all the time after i get out the shower
Reply:i think its just that the weather is dry///.. lotsa things happen in preg. not all have good reasons... the itching will pass
Reply:Estrogen. Estrogen. Estrogen.

I remember this like it was yesterday!!!

Get some non drowsy benadryl me alot!

  • eye liquid
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