Friday, January 27, 2012

Do you believe psychics have power???????????

I never thought these people knew what they be talking about but today this lady told me " I SEE A GIRL SHE LOVES YOU BUT SHE 'S TWO FACES, SHE CHANGES AT TIMES, LIKE SHE BE DOING OTHER THINGS BEHIND MY BACK" now that was kinda freaky 'cause i was thinking about telling my girlfriend who i've been having problems with to stop saying she loves me,while i was at work cause she's holding back on her feelings and she still worry about other guys like wanting their friendships and that's not called being in love with someone and that kinda freaked me out because i was just thinking about her while the lady (psychic) brought that up then she wanted to do a palm reading but i said no , but somehow i wonder if she knew cause of her so called powers or she just guessed it cause most people have relationships problems nowadays, that's what i ended up thinking but what do you guys think???????
Do you believe psychics have power???????????

Being psychic is neither a gift, nor a power. It is a natural ability, present in us all, some are aware of it - others not.


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All Like Minded Folk Welcome
Reply:I believe psychics have powers, its a gift. I doubt she was guessing.
Reply:They have as much "power" as everyone else. They choose to use their energy in a different way then most.
Reply:I think that there are SOME people that have psychic powers as a gift or talent.. Most just learn how to make general predictions that we all could do..I too had an experience with one that really seemed to know what she was talking about, it was like she was watching a movie of my life and telling me about it.,, She was one of those 'psychic hot line 'numbers that you call. and she really seemed to know alot about me and what was going on in my life.. I tried calling her back but never could get the same reader..(its a good thing because that month i got a $600.00 phone bill) !!!! That was the most painful and exspensive lesson that I learned....And then I often ask myself "If some of these"psychics" really have powers, why don't you hear about them picking the winning lottery numbers and winning lots of money? This is just my opinion and experience on the subject.
Reply:some do and some don't. u have to be careful.

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