Saturday, February 11, 2012

Poetry for the LADIES.. come to the beach... comments welcome :)?

"Color my World"

Clear blue skies, Palm Trees that blow whispers in night,

Oceans green blue and gray, caps of enchanting white,

Sands of spattered cream, shells that endlessly shine,

Lady Godiva appears, my vision of goddess is consigned.

To this picture of beauty in front of me, oh the joy I feel,

Naked brushstrokes flow freely, my soul begins to heal.

You color my world, bedroom eyes matching the calming sea,

Mesmerized by your movements, you set my inhibitions free.

Mountains they rise, the backdrop of this place quiet, serene,

My heart on fire now, you color my world, your soul, pristine.

Lay with me now, and.... "Color my World"
Poetry for the LADIES.. come to the beach... comments welcome :)?
wow, you're very good. I liked your use of words. The way you described everything made it feel like you were there. Good luck with the girl you wrote it for, i'm sure she'll like it.
Reply:I pictured myself there on the beach "coloring". Very nice, tommy C.
Reply:Thats beautiful if you wrote that you defiantly have a talent. Try writing something like that except describing a girl. It will win her over. If she isnt goth or punk or emo or a cutter or something like that.
Reply:Awww always a pleasure to read your poetry! xo

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