Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Incapacity benefit medical help?

I went for a medical yeterday as Im suffering from severe depression and anxiety, im also cing a phycologist. the lady I saw was great. when I first went in and started talking I immeditaly broke down in tears. Is this all based on points system wheter u carry on getting benefit? I did make an effot with my apperance but I always do as Im self consious about my apperance. I dont sleep well maybe 5 hrs max a night and told them I need help with my 15month old. I also have blackout every month. I also told them I have to leave certain circumstances if I feel a attack coming on e.g. she said if u were in a supermarket and there was lots of people and u felt anxious would I leave or stay in q. I said Id HAVE to leave. I also said when I feel anxious my palms go sweaty, my heart beats faster and it feels like I have a 50stone man sitting on my chest and the sweat is running down my back. she also mentioned my weight as I have went from 8st10 to 7st. and dress size 8 to under a size 4 (uk)!
Incapacity benefit medical help?
Your anxiety is obvious to me, as someone who has some experience of this situation I would advise you to calm down and try not to worry (easier said than done I know) as I feel sure that the decision for benefits will certainly be in your favour.

And yes it is based on a points system called 'Descriptors' which awards you points on your physical and mental health at the time of the medical examination

If an appeal is required please do not hesitate to contact your local citizens advice bureau who will I assure be only to happy to help you with your claim though I do not expect it will come to this.

Good luck to you now and in the future you will be in my thoughts..
Reply:Hi i am in pretty much the same boat as you i lost my mum and brother in 2005 i went back to work for a2 months then couldnt handle it anymore and have been off sick ever since. i also suffer from depression and anxiety. when i first left work they put me on incapacity benefit then they changed me to income support. if you are like me and have all the backing of your doctors behind you then they cant do much about it. i like you worked all my life (im 24) and hated the thought of claming benefits but like the lady int he job centre said to me you have paid in all your life and have a valid reason so why shouldnt you claim. so basically what im trying to say is if they do stop incapacity you will most liekly get income support after all you have a child to look after they can tleave you stranded with nothing. And like i said as long as you have doctors notes they cant do diddly squat. hope this all makes sense!

good luck xx
Reply:I sympathise, but i don't understand/see your question. You NEED to eat. The world is not always a nice place, but we have a duty to TRY and fulfil our body's needs. Good luck. I would be very surprised if you aren't awarded Incapacity Benefit - try (not easy) not to worry.

If for any reason, they fail your claim, you can always appeal. The Citizen's advice Bureau are always willing to help.
Reply:I wish you well with your IB claim but I cant believe you said "I've worked all my life". You are only 26. You spent more years at school than working so you've hardly paid anything into to the system. You've got another 40 years of working life to come yet. Good luck with your claim anyway.
Reply:Incapacity benefit is an earnings replacement. It can only be assessed by the descision makers at the DWP. You will recieve a letter telling you if your claim has been successful. If you have been turned down, you may appeal against the descion made. As you have a small child there is no reason why you should be forced to go to work. You should be able to claim income support and child tax credits. If you live on your own with your liltle one you should be able to get Housing Benefit and council tax benefit too. You should contact your Citizens Advice Bureau for a benefit check. I think you need to maybe get a second opinion on your health issues. You obviously need some extra support. Check with the CAB's local information and see if there are any support networks in your area.

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